
Dangerous Words: It's Just ....

Its Just Period Pain … Everyone gets it.  It doesn’t matter that you nearly passed out in your GCSE ICT exam, sitting in that chair hoping that you could just get through to the end. That you could JUST concentrate on the questions, without worrying about the pain that’s coursing through your body in waves. The cysts that cause you to leave your dream nursing course, leave your dream marketing job, leave pretty much every job you’ve ever held in your heart, and spiral into a darkness. It doesn’t matter that you end up having surgery, after surgery, after surgery leading to your loss of fertility at 29. No one will listen to your complicated feelings, because you didn’t want children anyway. Menopause at 29 and yet you hear the quips as you sweat, you’re too young to have hot flushes, and the swollen belly that leads to when are you due, or you eat healthy and yet you are so big … But its JUST period pain, everyone gets it. Its Just IBS … And yet it’s taken away so much. From social


  Blogging is where it all began for me.  Lot's has changed over the past decade, I have gained a lot but also lost a lot and honestly I still feel a little bit lost. I have been thinking a lot recently about my values, about who I am and what I want to achieve in life and while I enjoy making YouTube videos immensely I do think sometimes writing things down is easier for me as I can reflect on what I have written before it goes public, and make sure what I want to say is coming across the way I want to say it otherwise I can unwittingly find myself in hot water.  So, where am I right now in life? Right now I am chasing another diagnosis as my IBS, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and chronic pain have all been all over the place and I think there may be something more going on. I have recently handed in my notice on a job that I love which I have a LOT of feelings about but between my health and becoming a full time carer for my Nana who has alzeihmers, I didn't really hav